Since our founding in 2006, N.M. Telesky ltd has been rising non-stop. With over 1000 brands all across Cyprus choosing us for their Point of Sales system, we have the means and the experience to offer worthy solutions and direct support to any company interested.

While constantly evolving and adapting over the years, our goal has remained the same throughout:

To offer our customers highly customizable and adjustable point of sale services in competitive prices, all the while always being on the clock for any issues our customers might run across, once they have, of course, installed the service.

It is our belief that our job doesn’t end when the system is installed. On the contrary, it’s where it truly begins. By offering our services and support 24 hours a day, we guarantee that the point of sale system never worries our customers.

Working with each company’s unique needs and demands in mind, in N.M. Telesky ltd, excellence is not guaranteed, but expected.